Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mission Statement

This blog has been created in hopes to help anyone interested in incorporating the concepts of Sustainability and Environmental Education into their classroom. Over the last few weeks I have browsed through countless websites and read a handful of books and articles in hopes to come up with list of ways in which all teachers or educators can incorporate theses concepts into the everyday classroom. Throughout my research , all of which I will share with you on this blog, I kept coming back to the same realization: It is not strictly about the specific lesson plans or worksheets you give to your class, but rather all about the way in which you present the material and the experiences that the students have while learning the concepts!

I originally sought out to make a blog full of lesson plans, worksheets and teaching tools to help secondary teachers reach certain prescribed learning outcomes while teaching lessons centered around the environment and topics related to sustainability. I soon came to realize that incorporating a theme into a regular lesson is not really improving environmental education, it is just the same old lesson with a different set of examples. If I wanted to really make an impact I would have to change the way I approached the topic. I would have to change the way I was teaching the lessons, or better yet I would have to change the way the students would learn the material.

Never the less, I would like to share my experience and research by providing a guide that other teachers can follow when they too are developing learning experiences based upon Sustainability and Environmental Education.

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